The last thing you want to deal with after spending a large amount of money on your pool, or a home that has the swimming pool, is a flock of birds hanging around your pool as if it was their own.
Thus, the creation of our full guide on how to keep birds away from your pool.
Whilst dealing with birds can be annoying by itself, there is also the task of cleaning up bird droppings, and making sure they are not riddled with disease.
Fortunately, you do not have to put up with the problem because there are several things you can do about it. This article will outline different methods to help with keeping birds away from the outdoor pool.
Read on to find out how.
Why Birds Hang Around A Pool
Birds will always naturally gravitate towards water. They may find your pool a great place to prune their feathers and clean themselves. Obviously, they have no idea that this pool is used by humans to swim in, so it really is not their fault they have chosen it as their go-to to cleanse.
Even so, it can be an annoying situation, and there are plenty of ways to distract and deter them – and even the possibility of giving them their own space.
Benefits Of Having Birds Around
You do not want to get rid of birds fully, because they have their benefits too. Mosquitos can be a big nuisance during the summer when all you want to do is enjoy a relaxing afternoon with family and friends swimming in a cold pool. Birds can keep pests like mosquitos, aphids and spiders down in numbers.
If you love flowers, then birds like hummingbirds are great at pollinating, so they will be a fantastic addition to your garden and help to provide color from many flowers.
Lastly, birds can also help to reduce unwanted plants like weeds due to some breeds preferring seeds to insects.
1. Using Reflecting Objects
If you strategically place reflective material such as foil, aluminum and party streamers around or in the pool, the light will ‘blind’ the bird momentarily, just like us when we see a reflection of light and cannot see ahead.
Whilst it does not actually blind a bird, they will not be able to see that area properly due to the reflection of sunlight, therefore they will likely avoid it.
2. Scaring Them Away (Scarecrow Method)
Birds are one of the easiest animals to scare, that is why scaring them is proven to be a really common way of stopping birds from being attracted to your pool.
Instead of making your own straw man, a little like the one from the Wizard of Oz, purchase a predator replica like a snake, hawk or a falcon, but always remember to move it around occassionnally.
A bird may get used to its position, and this will mean it will become clever to the ‘scarecrow’s’ whereabouts.
You can also use a rubber snake, in fact you can place a few around the pool. Whilst this may also cause a family member or friend to leap out of their skin, it is very effective at keeping birds away.
3. Properly Covering The Pool
Though this might sound obvious, covering your pool when not in use will stop birds from getting into your pool. There a ton of great solar pool cover options, as well as a variety of convenient and easy to install pool cover reels for this as well. Not only does a cover keep birds out of your pool, it keeps bugs out too, and anything else that may find its way in there.
Anything that cannot easily get in will be deterred from trying.
4. Utilizing Pool Toys
Just like with the scarecrows, pool toys are also a good option if you do not want to place rubber snakes and wooden hawks around your pool. Whilst they are good to use, it may not look very nice.
Pool toys and certain pool rafts, however, are items that always make a pool look ten times more fun. You can add numerous items like a dolphin, whale, shark or even an alligator.
A bird will not know that it is a blow-up predator, and will likely not dare step foot inside the pool.
5. Installing Wind Chimes
Not only are they lovely to hear as they catch the breeze, but birds are sometimes scared by them. The sound of a wind chime is very unfamiliar to a bird causing them to be cautious.
Another great thing about a wind chime is that they are usually made of reflective material so can also aid in ‘blinding’ them as they fly closer towards the pool.
6. Adding Some Closeby Pinwheels
If you want to add a summery touch to your garden, as well as to keep the birds away, a pinwheel might help do the trick. When the wind blows across a pinwheel, it moves around in a fast motion with a slight sound, and this will scare the birds away.
Again, just like with the wind chimes, any reflective material can ‘blind’ the bird’s vision causing them to not even want to investigate the pool.
7. Removing Nearby Tree Branches
It is quite obvious, but a bird will use a branch of a tree for roosting, so eliminating these near your pool will keep birds from being so close. The last thing you want is a nest being built right above the pool.
It is also important to remove shrubs. Doing so can also stop bees from flying around during the summer months, and deter frogs away from your pool as well.
If you do want to do this, think about planting shrubs elsewhere, as it is always a good idea to encourage birds & bees to be around in general due to low population and their benefits to wildlife.
8. Creating An Alternative Spot For Them
Having birds around the pool is not generally a bad thing, it is just when they take over. Hearing the singing of a bird can actually be really relaxing, especially after a stressful week at work.
Another way of attempting to get rid of birds from a pool is to find an alternative for them to move to, this is also a great option for keeping bees and wasps away from your swimming pool as well. Whilst your pool might be inviting to them, you could make a place even more inviting. There are various ways to do this such as:
- Installing A Birdbath – birds will use a birdbath for the very same reason they will use your pool. If you work on the list above and install something like a birdbath, it may help them to move away from the pool and onto something new that has been designed specifically for them.
- Installing A Bird feeder – just like with the birdbath, adding a bird feeder will give them a food source. Whilst it might sound like a good distraction, it will also naturally help them to gravitate somewhere else that is not inside your pool. Having a bird feeder and a birdbath and you are set.
A bird feeder may also be your downfall. It may encourage birds to return. See what works for you, just make sure not to place it too close to the pool!
The Wildlife Protection Of Birds
Whilst wildlife are uncontrollable, they too enjoy living on this earth. Under the Federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act, as well as local laws and state laws, birds are protected within the United States.
This means you cannot kill or hurt a bird, so please make sure you are only deterring them when looking at methods to keep them away from your pool.
Our Conclusion on How To Keep Birds Out Of Your Swimming Pool
While birds can be an irritant when it comes to our home pool, they can be easily removed without any harm or getting the professionals in to do the job, saving you money and time.
From using inexpensive items such as pinwheels and wind chimes, to making pool time fun (and bird free) by introducing inflatable pool toys like sharks and alligators to the water, you can keep birds out of your pool and enjoy swimming again without those unwelcome guests.
Hello, I am a writer and marketing specialist in Kansas City, MO. My love for swimming pools started as a child when I would visit my aunt & uncle’s inground swimming pool on a frequent basis over the summer. Since then I have taught swimming lessons at a Boy Scout Camp, participated in the full setup, installation and maintenance of my father’s inground swimming pool, as well as enjoyed constantly researching everything there is to know about swimming pools for 5+ years. I enjoy all water related sports, being part of the online swimming pool community and always learning new things!
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