Our team choose to do a Dolphin E10 review of the popular robotic pool cleaner by Maytronics because hiring a pool cleaning company can be a pain! If you want them to do a good scrub before a fun and busy pool party, then you have to hope they have no other clients waiting on […]
How to Clean A Sand Pool Filter: A Step-By-Step Cleaning & Maintenance Guide
If you have a sand pool filter for your swimming pool, you’re probably grateful for how well it keeps your pool clean. After all, no one likes swimming and feeling the grit and grime of dirt and debris floating around. Part of having a properly working sand pool filter is maintenance. If you’ve just installed […]
The Best Suction Pool Cleaners: Reviews and Buying Guide
You know what happens if you don’t regularly clean your outdoor pool? It’s not pretty! You get waterbugs, leaves, hair, and other debris, but if you’ve already been looking into it, you may have seen that pressure side pool cleaners can be very expensive indeed. The solution, of course, is to get yourself one of […]
How Much Does It Cost to Maintain an Above Ground Swimming Pool?
Above-ground pools can be great substitutes for typical swimming pools because they’ll cost you much less. Also, modern above ground swimming pools come in a multitude of sizes and materials, which results in a wide variety of prices available on the market. But, how much does it actually cost to maintain an above-ground pool once […]
Best Pool Shock: Reviews & Buyer’s Guide
If you own a swimming pool, you know the importance of keeping it clean from any bacteria. The best way to ensure your pool is bacteria-free is to shock it on a regular basis. And no, we’re not talking about electrocuting your pool. In this article, we cover everything you need to know about pool […]